For over 160 years, the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum of the Chicago Academy of Sciences has served as an urban gateway to nature and science. Located in the heart of Lincoln Park amidst abundant wildlife and nature, hands-on exhibitions allow visitors of all ages to connect with regional wildlife and public programs that inspire green living and sustainability. Interact with live animals, learn about the ecology of the Chicago region and let your imagination soar in the Judy Istock Butterfly Haven.
Wheelchair Accessible
Student Tours
Group Policy
Average Visit/Tour Length3 Hours
Group Capacity1200
Minimum Group Number10
Minimum Size for Group Admission Rate10
Miles from O'Hare Airport16.0
Miles from Midway Airport15.0
Miles from Navy Pier3.3
Miles from McCormick Place5.5
Miles from Downtown3.0
American Express
Student Group Friendly
Special Interest Tours Offered
Public Space Wi-Fi Available
ATM Machine On-site
ADA Compliant
Self-Parking AvailableOn-site
Number of Retail Stores
Hours of OperationSunday-Saturday, 10am-4pm; open 7 days a week
Military Discount
Preferred Catering Providers
Number of Meeting Rooms6
Largest Room, Reception Capacity (Standing)600
Largest Room, Banquet Capacity (Seated)600
Off-Site Catering Allowed
On-site Audio/Visual Equipment
Complete Buy-out Available
Max Capacity, Theater Style250
Max Capacity, Reception Style (Standing)1200
Max Capacity, Classroom Style200
Max Capacity, Banquet Style (Seated)250
Max Venue Capacity1200
Private Meeting Space Available
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