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Bulk collateral order request

We do not charge for our promotional materials. However we do ask that you cover our shipping and handling costs at $.50 (cents) per unit.

**This is for BULK orders (5-1000 in quantity). For an individual guide, click here to order. If you are a member of the travel trade (tour operator, AAA offices, travel agent, or receptive tour operator), please email

Please note:

  • In addition to the Shipping Cost, there is a $6.00 handling cost per transaction.
  • If ordering a large quantity, such as 500 visitors guides, please note that they may be shipped to your location on a skid. You must be able to receive this large of a shipment.
  • Materials are updated on an annual basis.
  • Please allow 7-10 days for delivery.
  • Due to limited quantity, we cannot guarantee that the quantity requested will be available. We will contact you if that is the case.
  • All orders must be delivered. Pickup is not an option. Log in to manage your account, gain access to partner resources like the convention calendar, research and statistics, plus stay informed with industry news, upcoming partner events and much more!
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Bulk Order

ItemQuantityShipping Cost
2025 Chicago Official Visitors Guide
$0.50 per unit
Total: $0
Handling Fee: $6
Grand Total: $0

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