3rd largest garden under glass in the world, Garfield Park Conservatory spans 12 acres of indoor & outdoor gardens. A national botanical treasure.
We have reopened the indoor and outdoor gardens with new safety guidelines. Learn more here: https://garfieldconservatory.org/visit/
We have several live virtual tours, nature classes and programs happening online. Visit our events calendar to sign up: https://garfieldconservatory.org/events/.
Motorcoach ParkingBoth On-site & Off-site
Group Policy
Average Visit/Tour Length2-2.5 hrs
Minimum Group Number10
Virtual Tourhttps://garfieldconservatory.org/events/
Miles from O'Hare Airport13.9
Miles from Midway Airport8.3
Miles from Navy Pier7.6
Miles from McCormick Place8.0
Miles from Downtown6.2
American Express
Complimentary On-site Parking
Public Space Wi-Fi Available
ADA Compliant
Self-Parking AvailableOn-site
Food On-siteOTHER
Hours of Operation10am - 8pm Wednesday; 10am - 5pm Thursday through SundaynFree admission; suggested donations accepted.
Buy-out Max Capacity1000
Preferred Catering Providers
Number of Meeting Rooms3
Largest Room, Theater Capacity400
Largest Room, Reception Capacity (Standing)650
Largest Room, Classroom Capacity100
Largest Room, Banquet Capacity (Seated)400
Largest Room, Ceiling Height20.0
Exhibit Space Available
Largest Room, Max Capacity650
Complete Buy-out Available
Max Capacity, Theater Style300
Max Capacity, Reception Style (Standing)1000
Max Capacity, Classroom Style300
Max Capacity, Banquet Style (Seated)400
Max Venue Capacity1000
Private Meeting Space Available
Avg Meal Price/Person (appetizer, entrée, dessert)$ = up to $14
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