Explore the history of Chicago and United States through permanent and temporary exhibitions drawn from more than 20 million items in the Chicago History Museum’s collections. “Chicago: Crossroads of America” explores the city’s development and its influence on US history. Examine a treasure trove of historical artifacts, including a chunk of the original Fort Dearborn and the actual first locomotive to operate in Chicago.
Use all five senses to discover Chicago’s history with the “Sensing Chicago” exhibition and even pretend to be a Chicago-style hot dog. Check out temporary exhibitions that pull from our vast collections of photography, documents, artifacts, and interviews that help tell Chicago stories.
In the dynamic film presentation, “The Great Chicago Adventure,” experience the intensity of the Great Chicago Fire and splendor of the World’s Columbian Exposition, explore the sights of bustling Maxwell Street in the 1950s and peer down from an I-beam at the top of the Sears Tower in the 1970s.
Chicago History Museum Highlights
Chicago: Crossroads of America – Learn what makes Chicago home sweet home. Explore the city’s history through a series of themed galleries that highlight artifacts through interactive features and multimedia presentations.”
Sensing Chicago – This multisensory experience includes hopping on a high-wheel bicycle, hearing the Great Chicago Fire, catching a fly ball at Comiskey Park, smelling the Union Stock Yard, and diving into a giant Chicago-style hot dog.
Abraham Lincoln – In this installation, you’ll learn all about former president Abraham Lincoln, his leadership during the civil war, and his assassination.
Facing Freedom in America – Examine the stories behind eight conflicts over American freedom dating from the 1850s to the 1970s. This exhibition uses artifacts, images, and interactive displays to explore everything from women’s suffrage to Japanese internment.
Jaffee History Trail: This outdoor, interpretive path incorporates features such as a native species garden, the Couch Tomb, and a 13,000-pound, metal relic from the 1871 Great Chicago Fire.
Visit Chicagohistory.org or call 312-642-4600 for visitor information and for a full schedule of museum public programs and events.
Complimentary Policy1 per 25
Separate Group Entrance
Average Visit/Tour Length2. 5 hours
Minimum Group Number10
Maximum Group Number1000
Attraction Pass Partner
Minimum Size for Group Admission Rate10
Restaurant(s) On-site
ADA Compliant
Self-Parking AvailableOff-site
Food On-siteRestaurant
Hours of OperationTuesday-Saturday - 9:30 am - 4:30 pmnSunday - 12 pm - 5 pm
Preferred Catering Providers
Largest Room, Reception Capacity (Standing)600
Largest Room, Banquet Capacity (Seated)310
Off-Site Catering Allowed
On-site Audio/Visual Equipment
Complete Buy-out Available
Max Capacity, Theater Style4850
Max Capacity, Reception Style (Standing)800
Max Capacity, Classroom Style4850
Max Capacity, Banquet Style (Seated)310
Total Square Footage of Meeting Space4850
Max Venue Capacity800
Private Meeting Space Available
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