- Minority Owned
- LGBTQIA+ Owned
Dining together allows us to better understand who we are, regardless of our social status. The food does not have to be elegant, complicated, or fancy. We find that busy people like simple food—the busier they are, the simpler the food. Our menu at REUNION is straightforward, down-home Southern food with a few more contemporary dishes.
Getting back to the table allows us to love and nurture each other and renew connections to our families—however they may be configured—in this diverse and ever-changing society. Such connections are crucial in a fast-paced world where we feel more disconnected every day. One of the best ways we know how to restore that daily balance is to sit down at our table.
We should all think about returning to the sanctity of the table, where we can rebuild our families whether they be given or chosen, heal spiritually and physically, and reconnect with those we love and choose to love. Our table is familiar, uncomplicated, and a friendly place where we can celebrate family, friends, food, and life’s many blessings.
American Express
Reservations Accepted
Public Space Wi-Fi Available
Self-Parking AvailableOn-site
Hours of OperationSunday-Thursday 11:00 AM-8:00 PMnFriday&Saturday 11:00 AM-9:00 PM
Military Discount
Max Restaurant Capacity150
Private Dining Available
Avg Meal Price/Person (appetizer, entrée, dessert)$$$ = $25 - $34
Minority Owned Business
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