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Alchemy of the Arts
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Alchemy of the arts at Epiphany Center for the arts is back for Halloween on Saturday October 26, 2024. This gathering will take place across all four interior spaces at Epiphany Center for the Arts.

al·che·my of the arts is an occult science based on the transformation of matter.

Four Environments for the four elements

CATHEDREAL: CHAMBORD (France) Kevin Watry Lucy in the Sky b2b Miguel Ante Goldy

CATACOMBS: NITEFREAK Dabura & Rostek Avo & Amari Xeibo

SANCTUARY: Embodied Breathwork Renew Ambient with Cosmic Giggles

ALCHEMY LOUNGE: TOMBZ Oogie b2b Phives Bee Sax

Twenty Two demonstrations of the arts through out the cathedral.

No Re-entry. Costumes are encouraged. No outside food or beverage. No back packs or professional photography equipment.


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